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MeshAnalysisShadingOption Methods

The MeshAnalysisShadingOption type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeinitialize
Deinitialize the shading option and release used resources.
Public methodDrawDescription
Draw the description in the target position.
Public methodDrawSettings
Draw settings in the target position.
Public methodGetDescriptionWindowSize
Returns the size of the description window.
Public methodGetHaveSettings
Returns a value indicating whether the shading option has settings.
Public methodGetMaterials
Get materials which will be applied to the shaded mesh.
Public methodGetSettingsHeight
Returns the height of a settings popup.
Public methodGetSettingsWidth
Returns the width of a settings popup.
Public methodHasDescription
Returns a value indicating whether the shading option has a description.
Public methodInitialize
Initialize the shading option for a specified mesh.
See Also