MeshAnalysisShadingOption Methods |
The MeshAnalysisShadingOption type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Deinitialize |
Deinitialize the shading option and release used resources.
| |
DrawDescription |
Draw the description in the target position.
| |
DrawSettings |
Draw settings in the target position.
| |
GetDescriptionWindowSize |
Returns the size of the description window.
| |
GetHaveSettings |
Returns a value indicating whether the shading option has settings.
| |
GetMaterials |
Get materials which will be applied to the shaded mesh.
| |
GetSettingsHeight |
Returns the height of a settings popup.
| |
GetSettingsWidth |
Returns the width of a settings popup.
| |
HasDescription |
Returns a value indicating whether the shading option has a description.
| |
Initialize |
Initialize the shading option for a specified mesh.