HightlanderSolutions.MeshCheckerEditorExtension.MeshAnalysisFramework.API Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AliasAttribute |
Represents attribute used to add alias to the ShadingOption and the MeshAnalysisTool.
| |
BasicShaderShadingOption |
Represents a shading option which creates material from shader with specified ShaderName.
| |
MeshAnalysis |
Basic MeshAnalysis class.
Create derived class, mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisAttribute to add new analysis. | |
MeshAnalysisAttribute |
Should be used on MeshAnalysis and causes MeshChecker to run analyses marked with such attributes for an analyzed meshes.
| |
MeshAnalysisShadingAttribute |
Should be used on MeshAnalysisShadingOption
and causes MeshChecker to add the option to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
| |
MeshAnalysisShadingGroup |
Represents a bunch of shading options for an observed Mesh in a MeshAnalysisWindow | |
MeshAnalysisShadingGroupAttribute |
Should be used on MeshAnalysisShadingOption
and causes MeshChecker to add generated by group options to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
| |
MeshAnalysisShadingOption |
Basic shading option class.
Create derived class and mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisShadingAttribute to add a new shading option to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow. | |
MeshAnalysisTool |
Basic MeshAnalysisTool class.
Create derived class and mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisToolAttribute to add a new tool to the tools menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow. | |
MeshAnalysisToolAttribute |
Should be used on MeshAnalysisTool
and causes MeshChecker to add the tool to the tools menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
| |
MeshAnalysisWindow |
Represents a window that visualizes mesh data using shading option and if a tool selected using the tool.
| |
MessageMeshAnalysis |
Represents a simple MeshAnalysis which drawed as EditorGUI.HelpBox(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEditor.MessageType)
with the specified caption when the result are Error or Warning | |
ShadingOption |
Represents a shading option which creates from code e.g. from a MeshAnalysisShadingGroup.
Enumeration | Description | |
MeshAnalysisResultType |
Represents a MeshAnalysis result.