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HightlanderSolutions.MeshCheckerEditorExtension.MeshAnalysisFramework.API Namespace

Public classAliasAttribute
Represents attribute used to add alias to the ShadingOption and the MeshAnalysisTool.
Public classBasicShaderShadingOption
Represents a shading option which creates material from shader with specified ShaderName.
Public classMeshAnalysis
Basic MeshAnalysis class.

Create derived class, mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisAttribute to add new analysis.

Public classMeshAnalysisAttribute
Should be used on MeshAnalysis and causes MeshChecker to run analyses marked with such attributes for an analyzed meshes.
Public classMeshAnalysisShadingAttribute
Should be used on MeshAnalysisShadingOption and causes MeshChecker to add the option to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
Public classMeshAnalysisShadingGroup
Represents a bunch of shading options for an observed Mesh in a MeshAnalysisWindow
Public classMeshAnalysisShadingGroupAttribute
Should be used on MeshAnalysisShadingOption and causes MeshChecker to add generated by group options to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
Public classMeshAnalysisShadingOption
Basic shading option class.

Create derived class and mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisShadingAttribute to add a new shading option to the shading options menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.

Public classMeshAnalysisTool
Basic MeshAnalysisTool class.

Create derived class and mark it with the attribute MeshAnalysisToolAttribute to add a new tool to the tools menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.

Public classMeshAnalysisToolAttribute
Should be used on MeshAnalysisTool and causes MeshChecker to add the tool to the tools menu of a MeshAnalysisWindow.
Public classMeshAnalysisWindow
Represents a window that visualizes mesh data using shading option and if a tool selected using the tool.
Public classMessageMeshAnalysis
Represents a simple MeshAnalysis which drawed as EditorGUI.HelpBox(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEditor.MessageType) with the specified caption when the result are Error or Warning
Public classShadingOption
Represents a shading option which creates from code e.g. from a MeshAnalysisShadingGroup.
Public enumerationMeshAnalysisResultType
Represents a MeshAnalysis result.